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General Information :
The wite http://www.hotel-les-arcades-roscoff.com is published by :
SARL LES ARCADES registered at RCS de Brest under the number 414 647 297
Headquarters : 15, rue Amiral Réveillère - 29680 ROSCOFF
Siret : 41464729700012 / APE : 5510Z
Person in charge of its publishing : Mr LE BORGNE Gilles.
Telephone : +33 (0)2 98 69 70 45
Fax : +33 (0)2 98 61 12 34
E-mail : lesarcadesroscoff@wanadoo.fr
Site created, maintained and hosted by  E-COMOUEST

The publisher promises to respect the laws concerning the setting up and the activity of a web site.

Technical information :
One should be reminded that secrecy in matter of exchanges cannot be guaranteed on the Internet network and every user of Internet should take all appropriate measures in order to protect his own data and/or software from possible contamination coming from viruses going round on the Internet.

Editorial guidelines :
The site http://www.hotel-les-arcades-roscoff.com  is a site presenting services offered by SARL LES ARCADES. It is completed by simulation tools.
Information given in this site are for reference only.
Address : 15, rue Amiral Réveillère - 29680 ROSCOFF
Tel. : +33 (0)2 98 69 70 45
MAIL ADRESS : lesarcadesroscoff@wanadoo.fr


The personal information we collect from the "contact us" page as well as when you complete a booking form is intended to better respond to your inquiry and is necessary in order to complete the contract. These are handled by HOTEL LES ARCADES or its commercial partners involved in managing bookings or providing related services including online booking platforms, processing and tracking booking contracts (pre-reservation, communication of information, invoicing, payments) as well as customer service aftercare (complaints handling, marketing, promotions, sales statistics and customer satisfaction surveys).

In accordance with French data protection law ( loi informatique et liberté n°78-17) and the European General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the customer has the right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of data collected from this site at any time.

To exercise your right, please write to the site administrator at the following address:

15, rue Amiral Réveillère

For further information, we recommend that you visit the Personal data protection page on our website. 

Copyright :
The full or partial copy or representation, of the pages, the data and of any other element constituent of the site, may it be by  any process or media, is forbidden and forms without authorization an act of forgery which can commit the civil and penal responsability of the forger.

Author :
The site has been produced by the company ECOMOUEST, all rights reserved : SARL ECOMOUEST - SARL with a capital of  25.249 €uros - SIRET : 43151611100041
R.C.S. Vannes B 431 516 111
Adresse : 67 rue Anita Conti - 56000 Vannes | FRANCE
Tel : 02 97 62 04 62 - Fax : 02 97 63 30 85
Mail : info@e-comouest.com - Site : www.e-comouest.com

Photographs ©
Fotolia et/ou E-comouest

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Hôtel Les Arcades
15, rue Amiral Réveillère

Phone:02 98 69 70 45
Fax : 02 98 61 12 34